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Session 1

Leadership in Institutional and National Reforms for Quality and Safety

In addition to their traditional roles in providing medical treatment, today’s health care executives and clinical leaders must handle a variety of significant challenges that influence health and care. Examples of such challenges include workforce burnout, issues associated with equity and the social determinants of health, climate change, as well as a general lack of preparedness for a variety of modern challenges. In this session, strategies for leadership reform and necessary cultural adjustments that can support an approach to these challenges, will be discussed. Examples of initiatives which have been shown to be successful in achieving such goals will be presented.

Session 2

The Importance of Equity in Achieving Quality in Healthcare

A core principle for achieving improvements in healthcare quality is that quality cannot be achieved without achieving equity. Healthcare disparities and inequities affect healthcare outcomes, which increase risks of mortalities and morbidities. The improvement of healthcare systems worldwide demands a renewed focus on equality of access, treatments, and outcomes. In this session, the speakers will highlight the importance of proactive identification of drivers of inequities, and focus on strategies to move towards universal health coverage. This will include descriptions of several worldwide experiences aimed at reducing inequity in healthcare.

Session 3

The Role of Community Engagement in Improving Healthcare Outcomes

Healthcare services are increasingly aware of the need to enhance partnership with the people they serve. There is an acknowledgement that working with individuals and groups in communities is necessary for true, meaningful, community engagement. This powerful relationship can be a potent force in bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that ultimately benefit the community and its residents' health. It frequently entails coalitions and partnerships that exploit existing resources, improve systems, enhance partner relationships, and function as catalysts for altering policies, programs, and practices. In this session, a range of tools and resources are used to provide practical guidance on promoting and supporting community engagement.

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Session 4

Innovation in Healthcare Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Healthcare systems all over the world have experienced huge advancements over the last few decades. A major contribution to this revolution was adopting new and improved solutions that have the ability to accelerate positive impact on health. Those innovative solutions have had a clear impact on reducing errors, as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare procedures to achieve better and safer care. In this session speakers will present an overview of the current wave of innovation in healthcare industries, using examples of new technology and creative ideas from around the globe.

Session 5

Healthcare in the World of Environmental Sustainability, AI and Big Data

The magnitude of the threat to human health posed by climate change and other related natural disasters and extraordinary, or emergency, situations is beyond doubt. This puts an increasing demand on healthcare systems to adopt innovative strategies and to plan for dramatic shifts in healthcare needs. There is also a responsibility on the healthcare industry to participate in the global effort to mitigate climate change and to lessen its own environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Session 6

A Sustainability Strategy for the Economy and Healthcare Industry

Healthcare expenditure represents a major portion of the national budget in most nations around the world. In an acknowledgment of increasingly limited global resources, new strategies and approaches need to be created to ensure the availability and sustainability of those resources to achieve desired health outcomes. The term ‘health care economics’ is used to describe the various factors that combine to impact costs and spending in the healthcare industry. In this session, speakers will present several approaches to reforming and advancing the ability of healthcare leaders and policymakers to assess and evaluate financial health indicators, enabling them to maximize resources while reducing costs and maintaining outcomes.